This is a wonderful time in your life. To love and to be loved is one of the best experiences we humans can have. One of the central insights of our faith is this - "God is love. Those who abide in love abide in God and God in them." -John 4:16
Queen of All Saints eagerly awaits the special day of your wedding! We want to assist you in every way possible. The information here is intended to help you plan your sacred celebration.
“The intimate community of life and love which constitutes the married state has been established by the creator and endowed by Him with its own proper laws…God Himself is the author of marriage.” (Vatican II, GS 48)
In the Church, Marriage is a Sacrament, a sacred event. In the Sacrament of Matrimony, not only will you be able to publicly express your love for each other but, publicly express your love of God, and your knowledge of God’s presence in your marriage. Faith and the expression of that faith, in word and deed are already instrumental in your life. You will be proclaiming God’s divine participation in your marriage.
The people and staff of Queen of All Saints Basilica promise their prayers and support as you begin your period of preparation. For our Wedding Policy and other details on weddings at Queen of All Saints, click through the titles in the left toolbar.
If you would like to celebrate your wedding at Queen of All Saints Basilica you or your parents must currently be registered, active and participating parishioner or must be living within the boundaries of the parish.
Please contact our wedding coordinator at the parish office at least six months before your desired wedding date to determine whether you will be able to celebrate your wedding at Queen of All Saints.
For details on wedding procedures at Queen of All Saints, click through the titles in the left toolbar or download the Queen of All Saints Wedding Folder below
The following wedding documents are necessary:
1. A baptismal certificate less than six months old must be submitted by each Catholic party. Non-Catholic parties are also asked to bring a record of Baptism. These can be easily obtained by contacting the place of Baptism. If the certificate is in a language other than English, please provide a translation. When a Baptismal Certificate is not available for the bride or groom, a witness affidavit that substantiates the Baptism will need to be completed by the priest or deacon arranging the marriage.The vocation of Christian marriage demands a serious commitment. Consequently, the Church desires to do all that it can so that couples are adequately prepared to understand and accept the obligations of Christian marriage and to fulfill them faithfully.
Couples are expected to take part in a preparation program which will include meeting with a parish priest, deacon or pastoral associate. The basic process includes:
Session I: Initial meeting with parish priest.
Session II: Participation in PreCana as required by the Archdiocese. For information or to register for PreCana click below
or call 312-534-8201.
Session III: (OPTIONAL) FOCCUS wedding inventory, One in Christ, or other marriage preparation program. The priest will assist you with this.
Session IV: Wedding Liturgy planning with priest.
(Please note additional sessions may be required by the priest/deacon celebrating your wedding).
Queen of All Saints pastoral staff wants to help you prepare for your journey of married life. This period of preparation is precious. Engaged couples stand before the Church’s minister, relatives and friends and face one another to proclaim their faithful love and lifelong commitment. It is our hope to help all couples prepare, not only for their wedding day, but for their Christian marriage.
1. If either the bride or groom wishes to be baptized or confirmed before the wedding, participation in our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is recommended. The priest or deacon arranging your wedding can help you with this process.
2. As part of your marriage preparation program, you will meet several times with the priest or deacon celebrating your wedding. You will complete all paperwork during these sessions.
3. Contact the Music Office 3 to 6 months before the wedding date to begin arrangements for the music. Information on Music Planning is found in Music Planning.
Dr. Ken Sotak, Director of Music: [email protected]
Paul Scavone, Director of Liturgy: [email protected]
4. All offerings and fees should be received no less than six (6) weeks prior to the date of the wedding. For your convenience, we do provide envelopes with the Wedding Folder presented to you by our priest. The offerings are as follows:
Parish Offering - This offering to the church helps to defray the expenses of the operation of the church building, set-up and clean-up of the wedding and the handling of legal documents. There is no fee for the priest, but those wishing to give a separate gift to the priest may do so.
Music Fees - This fee includes organist and vantor/vocalist. All arrangements for music and musicians are made by the Director of Music. Please see the Music Planning page elsewhere in this folder.
Servers - For the 2 altar servers serving your Wedding Mass.
5. Prior to the evening of the wedding rehearsal, the Together For Life book form is to be completed. Please return the completed form to the rectory six (6) weeks prior to the date of the wedding.
NOTE: The individual priest or deacon arranging your wedding may require further procedures.
Wedding Times: We schedule weddings in such a way that no one will be rushed. On any weekend, the Basilica is used for many functions (funerals, confessions, other weddings, evening Mass, weekend liturgies, etc.). Because of our busy schedule time must be used efficiently and effectively. This is important information for you, your photographer and florist. For your wedding, you have the Basilica from one half hour before the scheduled start time until one and one-half hours after the scheduled start time. For example, for a 1pm wedding, set-up can begin at 12:30 and all wedding-related materials must be cleared from the Basilica by 2:30. Therefore you, your photographers and florists must plan accordingly. All weddings must begin on time and leave the Basilica as they found it at the one and one-half hours later.
Our wedding schedule is as follows:
Friday 4pm
Saturday 1pm and 3pm
Arrival Time: On the day of the wedding, the entire wedding party should be at the church thirty minutes before the wedding is to begin. The Processional Music will begin at the time scheduled. The groom and groomsmen can gather in the Mother’s Chapel, located to the west of the Sanctuary. The bride and bridesmaids can gather in the Baptistry, located just off of the vestibule of the Basilica.
Rehearsal: Trained volunteers run our rehearsals. Please respect their directions and be on time for your rehearsal. Call the parish office to schedule your rehearsal at least three (3) months prior to the wedding date.
Stipends: Envelopes are provided for the parish offering, the music fees and the servers’ stipend. The church offering and music fees should be received at the rectory no less than six (6) weeks prior to the wedding. For more information, see the Timeline page of this folder. The stipend for the altar servers should be received at the rectory no later than the day of your rehearsal. *Please note further details on fees are given on the wedding checklist.
Florist: Please tell your florist that bows and decorations may not be taped to the pews. Rubber bands are acceptable. There are 39 rows of pews in the church. The aisle is 150 feet long. The florist will have thirty minutes before the wedding to set-up. Also, it is against the fire code to close off the pews in any fashion, therefore fabric or ribbon may not be draped across the pews.
Decorations: Helium balloons are not permitted inside the Basilica. Also, rice, birdseed or any other materials may not be thrown inside or outside the Basilica.
Photographers: Photographers and videographers may use artificial lights during the processional and recessional only. They are not permitted in the sanctuary or choir loft at any time. During all other parts of the wedding ceremony, there is to be no flash or artificial lights. The parish wedding coordinator will be on hand to instruct photographers and videographers as to where they can position themselves during the wedding. A place has been reserved for photographers behind the rail of the mother’s chapel. They may not be in front of the pews during the wedding.
Contact Information:
Queen of All Saints Music Office: 773-736-6060
DIrector of Music - Ken Sotak: [email protected]
Queen of All Saints Music Website:
Many questions arise when beginning to plan music for your wedding liturgy. To help you get started in this process we have compiled the following:
After reviewing this information, contact the music office to make arrangements for your wedding music.
Contacting the Music Office: After you make initial arrangements with one of the parish priests, please contact Ken Sotak, our Director of Music, at the parish office. At this time, he can tell you about the resources available to you, offer a time-line for deciding on music and musicians, and answer any questions you may have.
Musicians for the Wedding Liturgy: An organist and cantor/vocalist from the parish staff are automatically assigned to your wedding. Should you wish to use additional musicians, for example flute, violin, trumpet or vocal ensemble, Ken will work with you to make the necessary arrangements.
In an effort to maintain the highest musical and liturgical standards, all musicians are arranged for and hired through the parish music office. Professional instrumentalists and vocalists not associated with Queen of All Saints are not permitted.
When using additional musicians, it is important to make arrangements early in the planning process, as we draw on some of the finest professional musicians in the city who maintain very active schedules. To create the musical “environment” you desire, Ken can help you determine which musicians can be most effective.
Wedding Music Recording: See
Final Step: Shortly before the wedding Ken will contact you once again to finalize your music selections and address any last minute questions you may have.
1. Am I limited to a single vocalist or instrumentalist?
Not at all. As a matter of fact, there are several combinations of musicians that can be called upon to enhance the celebration. These include more traditional vocal options like a duet, quartet or chamber choir, or instrumental combinations like a pair of trumpets and timpani, a string quartet or brass ensemble. You might also desire a contemporary ensemble featuring vocalists, guitars, piano and synthesizer, drums and wind instruments like flute and oboe.
2. I have a friend or relative who sings or plays an instrument. Can they be a part of the liturgy?
Certainly! Your friend or relative is welcome to be a part of your wedding liturgy if you so wish. We will be happy to work with them. The cantoring of the Mass parts and organ playing are always done by the parish staff. Your friend or relative may sing a vocal solo or play an instrumental piece at select times during the liturgy such as Communion, the Sign of Peace or the dedication to the Blessed Mother. Please ask us about this option if it applies, but do keep in mind that this allowance is made available for friends or relatives only. Professional musicians not associated with Queen of All Saints are not permitted to be hired for the wedding. All professional musicians are hired by the music director.
3. What should I think about when selecting vocal pieces?
The texts of vocal pieces for your wedding should reflect the thoughts and feelings of the bride and groom in their spirituality and faith. Texts must be sacred in nature. Ideally they will be based on scripture or make direct mention of the couple’s relationship with God. Secular songs which may speak of love but not in a religious sense, such as popular love songs, are not permitted and are best reserved for use at the reception.
4. We have a CD recording of a song. Can it be played at the liturgy?
Music plays an important role in enhancing the active, “in-the-present” nature of the worship service. In as much as we use readers to proclaim the scriptures, and not taped recordings of “great” orators, and real materials to enhance the environment, such as real candles and cut flowers instead of electric bulbs and artificial floral arrangements, we believe the music used in the liturgy must also be presented live, and therefore the playing of taped music is not allowed. However, every effort will be made to incorporate this piece into the liturgy.
The music office has compiled an offering of samples of music that are appropriate for use in the wedding liturgy. This collection is by no means an all inclusive list. It is intended to serve as an effective starting point by either helping you identify titles of pieces with which you may already be familiar, or by introducing you to new pieces you may wish to use. The collection is available at
A voice over on the recording will talk you through the pieces to which you are listening, the number of pieces you need to select, and so on.
We kindly ask that you please take the time to familiarize yourselves with the information contained here. It will answer many of your questions and will help make your wedding a truly sacred celebration, a day which will run smoothly, with no surprises.
Of special importance is the schedule for the day.
The Basilica schedule is very full, as on any given day there needs to be time for parish liturgies, funerals, weddings, rehearsals, cleaning and maintenance. You have use of the church for exactly 2 hours, beginning a half hour before your scheduled start time, no more, no less. This schedule applies to all weddings. For example, for a 1:00 wedding, you have the church from 12:30 to 2:30.
It is imperative that your florist, photographer and videographer are aware of this schedule. They are not permitted into the Basilica to begin set-up or to start taking pictures until that half hour before the start time of the wedding (12:30 for a 1:00 wedding) and everyone must be completely clear of the Basilica at the two hour mark (2:30 for a 1:00 wedding). We are compelled to hold to this schedule even if the wedding gets started late or runs long, so it is in your best interest to be on time. In our example of a 1:00 wedding, if you didn’t start until 1:30 and the wedding goes until 2:30, then you would lose any picture time in the Basilica.
You are permitted to take pictures outside on the grounds, weather permitting, for as long as you would like. If you have any questions or concerns regarding policies and schedule, please contact Paul Scavone at the rectory ([email protected]).
In addition to all the wedding information you've already read on our site, there are rehearsal notes and a questionnaire pertaining to the rehearsal. Again, this information is very important – please go through it thoroughly. The rehearsal questionnaire must be returned to the rectory at least two weeks before your rehearsal.
Please remember that your rehearsal is led by parish volunteers, and you can show your appreciation to them by being on time for your rehearsal. Being punctual is very important.
Rehearsal Schedule Times Available:
Thursday - 5pm or 6pm
Friday - 5pm or 6pm
Groom’s Grandparents followed by Brides Grandparents (& escort if necessary)
Parents of the Groom (& escort if necessary)
Mother of the Bride (& escort)
(In the case of Cultural traditions) - Primary Sponsors followed by Secondary Sponsors (as couples)
Maid / Matron of Honor
Bride / Father (or escort)
There are two readings, a responsorial psalm, the Gospel and Prayers of the Faithful that the bride and groom may choose. The staff at Queen of All Saints is there to guide you through this process and even offer apporpriate suggestions for your wedding.
For all of these, the staff can guide you in your choices for planning the Mass. The list of readings here are available for you to browse through.