As we continue to maintain our Sunday giving to support our parish operations, as we focus on the need to replenish our parish endowments for the funds spent on our unexpected expenses for repairs in recent years to the Basilica, and as we look ahead to our one single parish-wide annual fundraiser, the United Parish Program (UPP) on May 16, it challenges our generous spirit to think about fitting in one more request for support, the Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal.
Yearly contribution statements for tax purposes will be sent out during the last week of January for parishioners who donated $250 or more to Queen of All Saints in 2024.
Today is the start of Catholic Schools Week. Our deep pride and satisfaction in the excellent work done by our school is tempered by the unfortunate reminder that the Illinois legislature terminated the Invest in Kids tax credit scholarship program last year on December 31, 2023...
We have asked for a significant increase in our Sunday collections, but we also believe that any request for support must be based on a well-documented need. We rely on three main sources of funds: Sundays, Holidays, UPP; Long-Term Savings: Capital Campaign...
The start of a new year is a great time for us to take another fresh look at our support of our parish. Committing to stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is an important part of living a Christian life.
We look ahead this week knowing that our Christmas collection, one of our two largest special collections of the year, is a necessary part of our ability to support the many ministries, liturgies, and outreach that touch us throughout the year, in both our good times and in our difficult times...
We look ahead just 10 days knowing that our Christmas collection, one of our two largest special collections of the year, is a necessary part of our ability to support the many ministries, liturgies, and outreach that touch us throughout the year, in both our good times and in our difficult times.
We know that our Christmas collection is our largest special collection of the year, and is a very necessary part of our ability to support the many ministries, liturgies, and activities that touch us throughout the year...
Readers of this page know that a few years back we began a drive to replenish our parish long-term savings. This is prudent simply as a result of our borrowing from those savings to pay for the very major basilica ceiling and bell tower projects, as well as other major repairs that have resulted from decades of Chicago winters...
Thanksgiving is an American holiday with a distinctly religious foundation, one with a special focus on our obligation of stewardship and generosity to each other, in grateful remembrance of all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Gratitude lies at the very heart of stewardship.
Regular readers of this page in our weekly bulletin know that we always present an honest assessment of our parish finances, and our goals for our shared future...
It’s sometimes difficult to remind ourselves that air conditioning at one time was considered a luxury.
When our “new” church opened its doors in 1959, our parishioners marveled at how the construction of our worship space promoted a deep sense of spiritual comfort through both architectural design and all-season temperature control...
Here is how our parish campus looked in 1955, when all of our buildings had been erected except for the new church. Then, as now, all those other buildings were in heavy use as important parts of a healthy and vibrant parish, including squeezing Masses into multiple cramped spaces in the Keene and Lemont buildings.
Our parish has always depended on the generosity of our parishioners and friends, and the challenges of tomorrow are no exception. There are many ways we can show our support, including...
Prayer - Spending Time with God
Stewardship involves spending time with God. Recognizing that every day is a gift from God, we strive to spend some of each day with God, through prayer, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, scripture reading, quiet meditation and other spiritual activities. During this time we ask God how he wants us to use the gifts He has given to us...
There is just one-third of the year remaining, so it’s not too early to start thinking about our 2024 tax returns and how we can support our parish in a tax-advantaged way.
Certainly, the primary motivation for our charitable contributions to Queen of All Saints parish is the generous return to God for the great gifts he has given us.
There’s something wonderfully renewing about late summer, especially as it begins a new school year. It’s all about new beginnings. Maybe it has something to do with new classrooms, new teachers, clean smells, new sights.
We hear this phrase often. What does this mean?
Our time—perhaps the most obvious way to satisfy this obligation is to attend weekly Mass; Our
talent—giving of our abilities in the service of others; Our treasure—the benefits of a certain percentage of our annual income, given to our church and to others in gratitude for what has been given to us...